Instructor and COURSE EVALUATION |
Enrollment: 20
Forms Completed: 19 (95%)
Core Items (A: Much Above Average, B: Above Average, C: Average, D: Below Average, E: Much Below Average)
A |
B |
C |
D |
>E |
N/% |
N/% |
N/% |
N/% |
N/% |
N |
Overall Rating of the Teaching Effectiveness of this Instructor |
14/82 |
1/6 |
2/12 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
17 |
Overall Rating of this Course |
8/47 |
5/29 |
3/28 |
0/0 |
1/6 |
17 |
Additional Items (SA: Strongly Agree, A: Agree, U: Undecided, D: Disagree, SD: Strongly Disagree)
A |
B |
C |
D |
>E |
N/% |
N/% |
N/% |
N/% |
N/% |
N |
My instructor seems well-prepared for class |
15/83 |
3/17 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
18 |
My instructor makes good use of examples and illustrations |
9/50 |
6/33 |
2/11 |
1/6 |
0/0 |
18 |
The instructor is reasonably accessible outside the classroom |
15/83 |
3/17 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
18 |
The instructor has stimulated my thinking |
10/56 |
3/17 |
5/28 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
18 |
The goals of the course are clearly stated and consistently pursued |
14/78 |
2/11 |
1/6 |
1/6 |
0/0 |
18 |
My instructor respects students regardless of sex, age or race |
16/89 |
2/11 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
18 |
What did you like most about this instructor and course?
- I liked that the projects were different than anything I've done before.
- Our projects are different, creative, and very outside-the-box.
- Derek was extremely creative in his teaching style. Since this is such an interesting topic, he had to go about it in a unique way.
- Derek Mueller is a very good professor who uses very good examples in class to help with his lesson. The projects are also very fun and engaging.
- I liked how laid back the instructor was.
- Different than other classes. Interestng assignments and laid back atmosphere.
- The instructor is really good at what he does, I just didn't enjoy the course itself.
- It wasn't like any other writing class I've had, which was refreshing.
- I liked the nontraditional assignments, they were fun and very different.
- We did projects that I have never done before so I was encouraged to think outside of the box.
- The assignments were well-planned and made me think outside the box.
- Derek is very easy-going which makes the class feel comfortable and, for me, makes it easier to ask questions and participate in class.
- Instructor - Approachable, knowledgeable, easy to talk to
Course - Projects assigned were enjoyable, not too strenuous
- We do projects that are original, and unlike things that we were asked to do in the past.
- His willingness to make himself available outside of class and his want for us to succeed.
- Accessibility, use of technology, and variations of class reading (i.e., not just one book/journal/etc.)
- 1) The assignments and projects which stimulate creativity! 2) All the readings that finally clarified what good style is!
- VERY ORGANIZED. Also very clear about expectations of students.
What did you dislike most about this instructor and course?
- Some information seemed irrelevant to what we working on or would use in the future.
- I'm a little confused by some of the readings--my printer hates the long articles.
- NA
- It seems to me that there is too much to do at the end of the semester. With a final, final project, and presentation, it adds up quite a bit.
- I honestly do not understand the point of it. It just felt like a mix match of useless info and projects.
- Assignments were really intimidating until examples were given.
- Sometimes instructions had too much detail that made it confusing. The course was not my favorite. Don't see the purpose.
- The assignments (major papers) were often ambiguous and vague. The Ignite Presentation was way too stressful for the amount of points it was worth.
- There is as much work due in the last couple of weeks of class as there was the whole semester (That's slightly hyperbolic)
- I disliked the uneven distribution of work. I felt that the last four short papers were very rushed.
- I'm just not sure how much I'm taking away from this class. It was fun, but I don't know exactly what I learned about Writing, Style, and Technology.
- Instructor - Sometimes got off track, not a big deal though
Course - dealing with technology I wasn't used to
- Although original, projects are WAY outside of our element. Also we don't always understand assigned readings, and are asked to right short papers on them.
- He has this preconceived notion that his opinion and view on things is the only correct one.
- His strict adherence to his own syllabus (but that's mainly a good quality)
- Nothing!
- Some of the reading material was very boring. Some was good.
What constructive suggestions do you have for this instructor or course?
- Overall the course was fun, you do a great job.
- None--keep up the good work.
- NA
- Maybe lighten the load a bit at the end of the semester. Spread everything out a little more even.
- Do projects that will actually be helpful in the future, not stuff that I will only do in this class.
- Great class and assignments. Maybe try to find a way to make them look less daunting?
- Instructor was good, I just don't think the course is effective.
- Less short papers! Space P1 and P2 out more!
- Reword the instructions for assignments so they don't sound so complicated.
- Don't assign readings w/o assignments attached; no one will read them if you don't.
- Maybe just make it a bit more clear on how what we're doing is relevant.
- Maybe a more even layout of writing, style, and technology
- More "technology" since it's in the course title.
- Be a little more willing for open interpretation. Yes there are certain things that you want us to get out of the readings, but that does not mean those are the only things we will get. Opinions are what makes each person an individual. Don't get frustrated, take it as a good thing that we have learned enough to question what we are reading.
- Possibly staggering the workload a little more...But overall, great course!
- Have the department require a 328 part II for education majors!
Additional Comments
- It's going to be hard for ALL students to be able to grasp the concept of this class. For the last SP, giving us the option to do a creative design was awesome. I think that should be offered throughout the semester.
- More technology. That is why I selected the course.
- I enjoyed this course, but also would've appreciated to get a little further into the technical side of technology in this course. Otherwise I thought the material and goals were very fitting and I had a great time in the class.
- Dr. M,
This course has truly inspired me. I thank you for your excellent planning of class activities/discussions, for your relevant and effective choice of projects, and for your careful selection of readings. More classes need to be like this.
I think also you have finally revealed where the writer in me may find his place in the world The answer to the question "How can I write for a living" has been so long hidden but you have lifted a feil of mystery or at least opened the gate to the kingdom.
As a future teacher, please allow me to copy for many good ideas! I have learned much pedagogic tricks as well. THANK YOU.