WRTG596: Teaching Composition on the College Level
Fall 2014 | Section 000 (16745) | T 3:30-6:10 | Course Materials | Eastern Michigan University

Enrollment: 7
Forms Completed: 6 (86%)

Core Items (A: Much Above Average, B: Above Average, C: Average, D: Below Average, E: Much Below Average)

  N/% N/% N/% N/% N/% N
Overall Rating of the Teaching Effectiveness of this Instructor 4/80 1/20 0/0 0/0 0/0 5
Overall Rating of this Course 4/80 1/20 0/0 0/0 0/0 5

Additional Items (SA: Strongly Agree, A: Agree, U: Undecided, D: Disagree, SD: Strongly Disagree)

  N/% N/% N/% N/% N/% N
My instructor seems well-prepared for class 4/67 2/33 0/0 0/0 0/0 6
My instructor makes good use of examples and illustrations 4/67 2/33 0/0 0/0 0/0 6
The instructor is reasonably accessible outside the classroom 4/67 2/33 0/0 0/0 0/0 6
The instructor has stimulated my thinking 4/67 2/33 0/0 0/0 0/0 6
The goals of the course are clearly stated and consistently pursued 4/67 2/33 0/0 0/0 0/0 6
My instructor respects students regardless of sex, age or race 6/100 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 6


What did you like most about this instructor and course?

  1. The variety of possible activities that he had us do--these activities are easily translatable to our classes.
  2. Well thought out. Touched on all different topics. Brought in great journals and theorists. Student examples were great.
  3. Instructor was accessible and provided good advice for next course.
  4. I like that is focuses specifically on teaching 120, but also introduces us to broader concepts.
  5. Flexibility.
  6. I liked how most of what we focused on in class applied directly to the class we teach. This semester was great in terms of my professional development.

What did you dislike most about this instructor and course?

  1. Maybe he could be a bit more accessible outside of the class? There's not much that I disliked.
  2. --
  3. Some readings didn't seem to lead directly to current course or next course.
  4. The "complaint" session (by peers) at the beginning of class got a little long sometimes....
  5. The room our class was in. Very poor lighting.
  6. I wasn't a fan of the venting sessions. It's not a weakness of the course--I just don't enjoy dwelling on the negative, which seems to be the direction it usually went.

What constructive suggestions do you have for this instructor or course?

  1. Continue to go over the politics of FYW. Learning background information that we did really changed my teaching philosophy in certain ways. He could focus on, or spend more time with "Box Logic." It was some of the most interesting work we had gone over, and it would have been great to spend more time on it.
  2. I'm not sure the lessons on style were that effective.
  3. Not as many readings on style. A few were good enough.
  4. I felt so well-prepared for 120 to begin that I wish we had heard or seen more from those teaching 121 currently.
  5. I don't know about constructive suggestions, but I do appreciate how much input we were able to have in the class, and the weekly room to air out frustrations or problematic situations.
  6. --

Additional Comments

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