Instructor and COURSE EVALUATION |
Enrollment: 20
Forms Completed: 18 (90%)
Core Items (A: Much Above Average, B: Above Average, C: Average, D: Below Average, E: Much Below Average)
A |
B |
C |
D |
>E |
N/% |
N/% |
N/% |
N/% |
N/% |
N |
Overall Rating of the Teaching Effectiveness of this Instructor |
9/64 |
4/29 |
0/0 |
1/7 |
0/0 |
14 |
Overall Rating of this Course |
4/29 |
6/43 |
3/21 |
0/0 |
1/7 |
14 |
Additional Items (SA: Strongly Agree, A: Agree, U: Undecided, D: Disagree, SD: Strongly Disagree)
A |
B |
C |
D |
>E |
N/% |
N/% |
N/% |
N/% |
N/% |
N |
My instructor seems well-prepared for class |
18/100 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
18 |
My instructor makes good use of examples and illustrations |
13/72 |
4/22 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
1/6 |
18 |
The instructor is reasonably accessible outside the classroom |
15/83 |
3/17 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
18 |
The instructor has stimulated my thinking |
10/56 |
5/28 |
3/17 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
18 |
The goals of the course are clearly stated and consistently pursued |
10/56 |
6/33 |
1/6 |
1/6 |
0/0 |
18 |
My instructor respects students regardless of sex, age or race |
17/94 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
1/6 |
0/0 |
18 |
What did you like most about this instructor and course?
- The visuals--the examples, the powerpoints, and the step by step instructions that he gives. Also, the way he makes sure everyone understands the prompts, assignments, and projects.
- The class was very organized.
- The different technologies used & the setup of the class (ex. SPs, Ps etc). Really enjoyed Elements of Style project.
- The course is the perfect amount of challenging & so is Prof. Mueller. Everything is interesting, relevant and informational.
- Interesting material presented in a new way.
- He is a firm teacher always prepared and on time, excited about what he is teaching.
- I enjoyed the class discussions & Prof. Mueller's open-mind. He was most accessible through email.
- Prof. Mueller is very approachable and concerned with/about students.
- Creative, fun, very easy to talk to/get help from.
- The Helvetica film and the creative control I got to exercise over projects.
- Effective and knowledgeable about material.
- I like that the class used a variety of different writing styles for the online world.
- I think that he is willing to try to help bring students up to date with new technology. He is informative and enthusiastic.
- He did a great job of relating ideas to the real world. He is great at explaining things in a way to facilitate learning.
- I felt the course was in touch with real-world applications of style and technology. I learned a lot.
- I thought Professor Mueller did a very nice job of using different media interfaces to pursue the course material.
- Derek was great, gave interesting perspectives on technology+writing, the course work seemed unhelpful as opposed to the helpful readings + discussions.
What did you dislike most about this instructor and course?
- N/A
- Too much due in the last 3 weeks of class, examples didn't illustrate expectations, seemed to dislike female students.
- Wasn't really a fan of the wiki project, but I can see the value in it.
- The technology, but what did I expect? It just takes some getting used to.
- Facilities are sometimes frustrating in this lab.
- This course just seems irrelevant to teaching and the projects didn't really teach me anything.
- Twitter at first but it grew on me.
- It was kind of slow paced.
- Still unsure as to how necessary it was for my major.
- At times if welt we sacrificed width for depth.
- Some readings were boring but effective.
- Nothing. He is a good teacher.
- Readings were pretty dry and some were uninspiring.
- I feel I could have used more freedom with the Twitter checklist. But I liked the project nonetheless.
- I think some of the assignments were too long and drawn out.
- I noticed that many students displayed a lack of interest in some course material, and Prof. Mueller seemed to take exception to it.
- The 3 major projects didn't mesh well w/ content, I see the connection, but its not great.
What constructive suggestions do you have for this instructor or course?
- Possibly try to condense the assignment explanations--when I first read a few of the assignment sheets at the beginning of the semester, I was a bit overwhelmed by the long paragraphs of explanation, but in writing the SPs + Twitter Reflective Essay it helped because I had some concrete questions to answer.
- Get conversation started more, be a better facilitator.
- Perhaps set out specific topics for people with regards to Wiki.
- Have people turn computers off when they're not necessary.
- Next time for Twitter go over things for a day to get people used to the website. Explore day.
- Make the course more focused on teaching technology.
- Great class!
- Make the twitter checklist have interval due dates (like to tweet #s) so there's not so much spam in one night.
- Something has to drop, but what that something is, is hard to say.
- More activities that force us to focus during class.
- Possibly a little more time in class going over style and syntax.
- Keep up the good work. Hope to have you for more classes.
- None--stated above.
- Look at some more formal uses of style+technology.
- Keep up the good work.
- Less points on twitter checklist.
Additional Comments
- More positives about the professor: Always willing to explain anything, genuinely interested in what the students say or comment about, gives/assigns relevant homework and gives great visual examples, easy to talk to and not distant from the students.