Writing Program Course Evaluation
Instructor: Derek Mueller Course & Section: WRT307: Professional Writing
1. I learned about writing for my field by investigating the worksites and the writing done by professionals in my field.
Strongly Agree
| Agree
| Unsure
| Disagree
| Strongly Disagree
2. I was responsible for planning and carrying through my specific projects.
Strongly Agree
| Agree
| Unsure
| Disagree
| Strongly Disagree
3. I presented materials to my peers via oral, textual, and electronic means.
Strongly Agree
| Agree
| Unsure
| Disagree
| Strongly Disagree
4. I learned techniques for document design and copyediting.
Strongly Agree
| Agree
| Unsure
| Disagree
| Strongly Disagree
5. I wrote in a range of professional genres which were applied to specifically defined professional situations.
Strongly Agree
| Agree
| Unsure
| Disagree
| Strongly Disagree
6. I learned how to better collaborate with my peers both ethically and responsibly.
Strongly Agree
| Agree
| Unsure
| Disagree
| Strongly Disagree
7. I learned how to manage several tasks at once.
Strongly Agree
| Agree
| Unsure
| Disagree
| Strongly Disagree
8. I completed a long-term, multiple-product group project requiring several professional writing genres.
Strongly Agree
| Agree
| Unsure
| Disagree
| Strongly Disagree
9. We discussed when to use different forms of technology and applies these principles to our projects.
Strongly Agree
| Agree
| Unsure
| Disagree
| Strongly Disagree
10. We discussed the effects of current technologies on professional communications.
Strongly Agree
| Agree
| Unsure
| Disagree
| Strongly Disagree
11.We discussed and wrote professional non-print media (for example, web pages, PowerPoint, presentations, or other electronic texts).
Strongly Agree
| Agree
| Unsure
| Disagree
| Strongly Disagree
12. What is the most significant thing you have learned about professional writing or about yourself as a professional writer in this course.
- How important it is to represent yourself well through what you write--especially professionally.
- That document design is such a great part of writing especially for a professional piece of work.
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- Applying certain genres to different situations. Knowing when to use certain "languages" in different situations.
- I learned to be concise and articulate in my professional writing.
- That aesthetics of a document can bear great weight.
- I learned I was horrible at it at first.
- Always keep your audience in mind.
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- The differences between professional writing and paper writing we have been more used to.
- Anything really on the first page [above]. Everything from resume design to document specifications, I learned about.
- A lot can be inferred from the way someone writes and in professional writing it is very important that you are aware of how others will interpret your writing and your choices.
- How to differentiate between the different types of writing.
- Professional writing is difficult to simulate, but learning about different techniques is helpful.
- How to write in a professional way and how to summary.
- The process involved in sending out business writing.
- There are more tools available to use.
- I hate group work and will do everything in my power to avoid it, forever.
- I learned to prepare myself for a professional setting, and what is expected.
13. Which two or thre activities or practices worked best in this course (e.g. the assignments, class discussion, presentations, collaborative work, research, use of computer technology). Why?
- The projects were nicely set up to cover a wide array of professional writing. The assignments were also very insightful.
- Meeting with the teacher to discuss our progress in a specific assignment was helpful.
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- Collaboration work, the assignments computer technology. Because a lot of documents in my field need to be coordinated with other individuals, it is easy to do one on your own.
- Collaborative work, because it helped me learn how to better my role as a team-player/group leader. Class discussion, because I got to hear what others had to say and learned from their ideas.
- Collaborative work, use of computers. Because both are real world applications with greatest value.
- Collaborative work, class discussion. These seemed like something you would do in an office.
- Assignments--helped directly relate material to projects. Presentations-it's always good to get presentation experience.
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- Presentations--allowed people to become creative w/ technological tools and share ideas.
- All 3 major projects worked very well. Each was unique and made you use different thinking methods to complete.
- Collaborative work, presentations.
- Class discussion and technology.
- Class discussions and worksite study was useful. Felt both were stimulating and relevant when we went out and learned about interesting worksites.
- Class discussion and presentation, because it give the change to express our idea, feelings, and knowledge.
- The second project and class discussion. They both went hand-in-hand.
- Collaborative work.
- Class discussion, gave everybody a chance to voice opinions.
- The second project, and third, becuase they are something that involved my future career, and help get my self ready for the real life.
14. Would you recommend any changes to this course? Please explain.
- At first I found this course a little too abstract and confusing, but soon learned to adjust and enjoyed the freedom.
- Yes, I think the professor should first see how much the class really wants to use web stuff in class. Derek emphasized web tech. too much for a group of kids that didn't seem too interested.
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- No, it's good.
- No changes. Keep the structure of the course exactly the same.
- Strict guidelines. If assignments with initial flexibility are graded based on format it defeats the purpose.
- Integrate the books into the course material.
- No, I thought the class was run well.
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- More structure to class discussions.
- I would not, no.
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- No Cluetrain Manifesto in the curriculum or make it a smaller focus. Least moving part of the semester.
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- No.
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- Less group work!! Too unecessarily stressful. More small scale projects (to help grades).
- No.
15. What was challenging about this course? Why?
- See #14 above.
- I took the professor recommendation about an assignment and it didn't help my grade.
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- I think it was challenging to understand when it is appropriate to use different types of genres.
- The most challenging aspect was trying to be extremely articulate in all of my course work.
- Understanding what the teacher wanted to see because there were no guidelines.
- The projects.
- It was challenging to write to a professional audience and not just your teacher.
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- Learning to change writing style out of traditional MLA style.
- Group work, because you had to be on the same page as each other, and that can be hard.
- The writing assignment because you often had to consider factors that you had never thought of before.
- Sometimes working with peers.
- At times a lack of structure. Project 3 was hard to bring together with no staggered due dates.
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- Not knowing the exact expectations for the projects. Whey were left rather open to our understanding.
- Getting it perfect.
- Group work -> everyone had tight schedules.
- Understanding some of the assignments.
Teacher Professionalism:
16. My teacher:
1. treats students respectfully |
yes (17) |
no (0) |
not sure (2) |
2. supports student learning |
yes (18) |
no (0) |
not sure (1) |
3. is available to discuss the course work |
yes (19) |
no (0) |
not sure (0) |
4. grades students fairly |
yes (16) |
no (3) |
not sure (0) |
5. is open to student views |
yes (17) |
no (0) |
not sure (2) |
6. responds to student work in a timely fashion |
yes (19) |
no (0) |
not sure (0) |
17. Are there other things you would like to say about the instructor or the course?
- He did a great job, very knowledgeable about the course material as well as beyond the professional workplace.
- Good guy.
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- I think he did a great job. Personable, gets to know all students, and listens, which is uncommon.
- Well prepared and highly organized.
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- No.
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- Great instructor/useful course.
- He was really good. I felt he performed the above to the utmost potential.
- Very passionate about the subject.
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- Very insightful instructor. Derek was very available and willing to work with you.
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- Better than other writing prof's I've had by a long shot, mostly because he isn't crazy, self-deprecating, and sadistic.
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