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Course Schedule

The following schedule offers a provisional plan for all work throughout the semester. We may revise it as needed. PDF readings are available for download at EMU Online (see Doc Sharing).

1.Week of Sept. 7-11
We.9 Introductions
In class: Syllabus and Schedule

2.Week of Sept. 14-18
Mo.14 Style: Groundwork
Read: Lanham, "The Prose Problem and 'The Books,'" (PDF)
Read: Style writ broadly in Wikipedia (online)
DUE: SP #1
In-class: Project I: Elements of Style Remake setup
We.16 Technology: Groundwork
Read: Baron, "From Pencils to Pixels" (PDF)
In class: Twitter setup

3.Week of Sept. 21-25
Mo.21 The Elements of Style
Read: Elements of Style, Foreword, Introduction, and pp. 1-33.
Read: Selections from Derek Pell, The Marquis de Sade Elements of Style
Project: What is a remake?
We.23 The Elements of Style, cont.
Read: Elements of Style, pp. 34-85.

4.Week of Sept. 28-Oct. 2

Mo.28 More Tangible Examples
In class: The Sandwich Spread Elements of Style
We.30 Workshop for Project 1
Bring drafts and materials
In class: Project Development

5.Week of Oct. 5-9
Mo.5 Peer response
Bring full draft of Project 1
In class: Peer response
We.7 DUE Project 1
Watch: Twitter in Plain English (online)
Read: Johnson, "How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live" (online)
In class: Wiki How-to and Project 2: Twitter, Style, Wiki setup

6.Week of Oct. 12-16
Mo.12 Williams Quick
Read: Williams, Style: Toward Clarity and Grace, Preface and pp. 1-45.
In class: Wiki writing
Read: Williams, Style, TBA
Project: Draft summary entries

7.Week of Oct. 19-23
Mo.19 Application Williams-Twitter
Read: Twitterfall.com
In class: Extending Style to Twitter
We.21 Wiki Edits - In-class (workshop)
In class: TBD

8.Week of Oct. 26-30
Mo.26 Midterm Re-Pose
In class: Midterm Evaluation
DUE: Style in Rhetoric and Composition summary (see syllabus under "Add-ons")
We.28 3.33 Ways
Read: Selection from Queneau, Exercises in Style (PDF)
In class: Project 3: 3.33 Ways setup

9.Week of Nov. 2-6
Mo.2 Sentences
Read: Tufte, "Short Sentences," from Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style (PDF)
In class: TBD
We.4 Paramedic Method
Read: From Lanham's The Longman Guide to Revising Prose (PDF)
In class: Applying the P-M
Due: Project 2

10.Week of Nov. 9-13
Mo.9 Oulipo Logic
Read: Selections from Matt Madden and Scott McCloud (PDF)
In class: TBD
Project One revision due (see extra credit option in syllabus)
We.11 Workshop - Comic-making
In class: Project 3 Development
Twitter intermediary deadline I (20 tweets total)

11.Week of Nov. 16-20
Mo.16 Typeface Style
We.18 Imagetext
Project Two revision due (see extra credit option in syllabus)
Read: Wysocki, "Awaywithwords: On the Possibilities in Unavailable Designs" (PDF)

12.Week of Nov. 23-27
Mo.23 DUE: Draft of Project 3: 3.33 Ways
Read: Selection from Reynolds' Presentation Zen (PDF)
In class: Ignite Series Overview
Twitter intermediary deadline II (40 tweets total)
Addiction! Staying Afloat in the Age of the Stream (in class)
We.25 No class - Thanksgiving Recess

13.Week of Nov. 30-Dec. 4
Mo.30 Workshop
In class: Project 3 and Presentation Development
We.2 Workshop
In class: Project 3 and Presentation Development
DUE: Twitter Stream and Reflective Statement

14.Week of Dec. 7-11
Mo.7 Ignite Series
In class: Presentation comment-evaluation
We.9 Ignite Series, cont.
Last day of class
In class: Presentation comment-evaluation
DUE: Project 3: 3.33 Ways

15.Finals Week - Dec. 14-18
Mo.14 DUE: Final Exam

Contact Information

Derek N. Mueller, PhD
Assistant Professor of Computers and Writing
Department of English Language and Literature
Office: 612M Pray-Harrold
Fall '09 office hours: MW, 9-11:30 a.m., and by appointment
Phone: (315) 708-3940 (cell)


"A few years ago, when I was grading papers for a graduate literature course, I became alarmed at the inability of my students to write a clean English sentence." -Stanley Fish, "What Should Colleges Teach?"

"We concentrate on utility at the expense of joie de vivre. And we then wonder, as de Tocqueville prophesied we would, why life has lost its savor" (19). -Richard Lanham, Style: An Anti-textbook

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