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Course Schedule - Fall 2010

The following schedule offers a provisional plan for all work throughout the semester. We may revise it as needed. PDF readings are available for download at EMU Online (see Doc Sharing).

1.Week of Sept. 6-10
We.8 Introductions
In class: Syllabus and Schedule

2.Week of Sept. 13-17
Mo.13 What is Research?
Read: The Craft of Research
Google Account Sign-up
In class: Introducing Google Reader for SSR
In class: Introducing P1.Inquiry Memo
We.15 Continued, What is Research?
Read: The Craft of Research, cont.
In class: Worknets overview

3.Week of Sept. 20-24
Mo.20 Inquiry
Examples of Research
We.22 Search Engines
Read: A. Halavais, SES, C. 2, "Searching" (PDF)
In-class: RSS Custom Alerts

4.Week of Sept. 27-Oct. 1

Mo.27 P1 Workshop
Worknet Selections: A researched article published since 1980
We.29 Conferences
P1. Inquiry Memo Due

5.Week of Oct. 4-8
Mo.4 OED and Library Databases
We.6 Semantic Worknets
In class: Google Docs-Drawing

6.Week of Oct. 11-15
Mo.11 Patchwriting and Plagiarism
Read: R. M. Howard, "Plagiarisms, Authorship, and the Academic Death Penalty" (PDF)
In class: Means of Citing: Summary, Paraphrase, Direct Quotation
We.13 Bibliographic Worknets
Bring a paper copy of your worknet selection to class.

7.Week of Oct. 18-22
Mo.18 Source Credibility
Read: B. Warnick, "Online Ethos: Source Credibility in an 'Authorless' Environment" (PDF)
In class: Delicious Networks, Wikipedia
*DUE: Worknet #1
We.20 Affinity Worknets (e.g., Tracing Schools of Thought)

8.Week of Oct. 25-29
Mo.25 P2.Writing Workshop: Researchable Questions
Review: COR, C. 3 "From Topics to Questions," and C. 4 "From Questions to Problems," pp. 31-67
We.27 Choral Worknets
Situating Scholarship in Time and Place
SSR Readabout

9.Week of Nov. 1-5
Mo.1 Worknet Workshop
We.3 SSR Reports
DUE: Draft of P2
*DUE: Worknet #2

10.Week of Nov. 8-12
Mo.8 P2.Writing Workshop: Claims and Arguments
Review: COR, C. 13 "Drafting Your Report," pp. 187-202
*DUE: Worknets #3 and #4
We.10 P2.Writing Workshop: Drafting
Review: COR, C. 7 "Making Good Arguments," and C. 8 "Making Claims," pp. 105-129

11.Week of Nov. 15-19
Mo.15 TBD
We.17 Peer Response

12.Week of Nov. 22-26
Mo.22 Citation Workshop
SSR Readabout
*DUE: Draft of P2
We.24 No Classes - Thanksgiving Recess

13.Week of Nov. 29-Dec. 3
Mo.29 Workshop
We.1 Course Evaluations
Portfolio Preparation

14.Week of Dec. 6-10
Mo.6 Roundtable
We.8 Roundtable
DUE: P2.Researched Project

15.Finals Week - Dec. 13-17
DUE: P3.Portfolio

Contact Information

Derek N. Mueller, PhD
Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Writing
Director of Composition
Department of English
Virginia Tech
Office: 315 Shanks Hall
Spring 2020 Office Hours: T, 12-3
Phone: +1-734-985-0485

"Really, we should say 'worknet' instead of 'network'. It's the work, and the movement, and the flow, and the changes that should be stressed." —Bruno Latour, "A Dialogue on ANT"

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