Course Schedule - Fall 2010
The following schedule offers a provisional plan for all work throughout the semester. We may revise it as needed. PDF readings are available for download at EMU Online (see Doc Sharing).
1.Week of Sept. 6-10
We.8 Introductions
In class: Syllabus and Schedule
2.Week of Sept. 13-17
Mo.13 What is Research?
Read: The Craft of Research
Google Account Sign-up
In class: Introducing Google Reader for SSR
In class: Introducing P1.Inquiry Memo
We.15 Continued, What is Research?
Read: The Craft of Research, cont.
In class: Worknets overview
3.Week of Sept. 20-24
Mo.20 Inquiry
Examples of Research
We.22 Search Engines
Read: A. Halavais, SES, C. 2, "Searching" (PDF)
In-class: RSS Custom Alerts
4.Week of Sept. 27-Oct. 1
Mo.27 P1 Workshop
Worknet Selections: A researched article published since 1980
We.29 Conferences
P1. Inquiry Memo Due
5.Week of Oct. 4-8
Mo.4 OED and Library Databases
We.6 Semantic Worknets
In class: Google Docs-Drawing
6.Week of Oct. 11-15
Mo.11 Patchwriting and Plagiarism
Read: R. M. Howard, "Plagiarisms, Authorship, and the Academic Death Penalty" (PDF)
In class: Means of Citing: Summary, Paraphrase, Direct Quotation
We.13 Bibliographic Worknets
Bring a paper copy of your worknet selection to class.
7.Week of Oct. 18-22
Mo.18 Source Credibility
Read: B. Warnick, "Online Ethos: Source Credibility in an 'Authorless' Environment" (PDF)
In class: Delicious Networks, Wikipedia
*DUE: Worknet #1
We.20 Affinity Worknets (e.g., Tracing Schools of Thought)
8.Week of Oct. 25-29
Mo.25 P2.Writing Workshop: Researchable Questions
Review: COR, C. 3 "From Topics to Questions," and C. 4 "From Questions to Problems," pp. 31-67
We.27 Choral Worknets
Situating Scholarship in Time and Place
SSR Readabout
9.Week of Nov. 1-5
Mo.1 Worknet Workshop
We.3 SSR Reports
*DUE: Draft of P2
*DUE: Worknet #2
10.Week of Nov. 8-12
Mo.8 P2.Writing Workshop: Claims and Arguments
Review: COR, C. 13 "Drafting Your Report," pp. 187-202
*DUE: Worknets #3 and #4
We.10 P2.Writing Workshop: Drafting
Review: COR, C. 7 "Making Good Arguments," and C. 8 "Making Claims," pp. 105-129
11.Week of Nov. 15-19
Mo.15 TBD
We.17 Peer Response
12.Week of Nov. 22-26
Mo.22 Citation Workshop
SSR Readabout
*DUE: Draft of P2
We.24 No Classes - Thanksgiving Recess
13.Week of Nov. 29-Dec. 3
Mo.29 Workshop
We.1 Course Evaluations
Portfolio Preparation
14.Week of Dec. 6-10
Mo.6 Roundtable
We.8 Roundtable
DUE: P2.Researched Project
15.Finals Week - Dec. 13-17
DUE: P3.Portfolio
Contact Information
Derek N. Mueller, PhDAssociate Professor of Rhetoric and Writing
Director of Composition
Department of English
Virginia Tech
Office: 315 Shanks Hall
Spring 2020 Office Hours: T, 12-3
Phone: +1-734-985-0485