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Course Syllabus - Fall 2012

Course Description

ENGL505 Rhetoric of Science and Technology (3 credits)
Through reading, research and analysis, students will study theoretical positions, discourse conventions and stylistic features of writing done by professionals in scientific and technological fields.

Course Overview

ENGL505 is designed to frame the rhetorical aspects of written communication in scientific, technical, and professional domains. Science and technology are, of course, thoroughly rhetorical. Knowledge claims in these areas are shaped through language (and more). Additionally, motivated, persuasive speech, which is to say interested speech, substantially mobilizes change in both highly specialized and popular thinking about science and technology. ENGL505, then, is a course concerned with how this happens. We will study the rhetoric of science and technology through readings in contemporary rhetoric and through the application of rhetorical concepts in current scientific, technological, and professional contexts.

The course begins with a series of general questions meant to guide us as we survey rhetorical concepts, theorize, and apply the concepts to scientific and technological cases, and ascertain the reach of rhetoric in selected controversies. Among the opening questions are, What do specific rhetorical frameworks (e.g., stases, situations, ecologies, etc.) do? What are the roles of texts or their writers/designers/editors in circulating rhetorics of science and technology? What are the rhetorical challenges bearing on moments of invention and innovation or, conversely, on moments of conflict and crisis? In addition to reading a number of articles and books that will deepen and multiply these questions, provisional assignments this semester include a series of notes and questions entries, the compilation of a glossary of rhetorical concepts, two critical perspectives pieces on rhetorics of science and technology extending from the readings, a chronography developed using Timeline JS, and a final exam.

Course Goals for ENGL505

Course goals for ENGL505 include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Develop a working knowledge of the evolving, interdependent relationships among selected rhetorical concepts, written communication, and science and technology.
  2. Compose a series of texts as a distributed, recursive process that adapts to rhetorical contingencies, that responds to distinct audiences and genres, and that requires thinking and rethinking ideas.
  3. Gain fluency with theoretical dimensions of rhetoric, science, and technology, with an emphasis on written communication.
  4. Practice annotation, analysis, inquiry, and delivery consistent with graduate-level study in written communication.

Course Texts and Materials

Pandora's Hope

Latour, Bruno. Pandora's Hope: Essays on the Reality of Science Studies. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1999. ISBN 0-674-65336-X. (required) Amazon.com | Half.com

This text is available at the EMU Bookstore in the Student Center.

Further readings will be available to you as PDFs in EMU Online (see Doc Sharing). You should download PDFs for reading on the screen or, if you prefer, for printing and reading. Plan to spend as much as 30 USD on printing and photocopying over the course of the semester.


The work of the course is divided as follows

Participation, presence, and leadership 15
     Includes notes and questions posts
Glossary 15
Rhetorics of S&T 30
Chronography and Presentation 30
Final Exam 10

I will provide detailed comments in response to your work following deadlines and at any other time you request input from me. Comments may or may not include grade estimates, but they will provide you guidance for development and revision. Each of the projects will be described fully in separate prompts that I will circulate at an appropriate time in the semester. When necessary or otherwise useful, grade estimates will be posted in the EMU Online (eCompanion) gradebook associated with this course. You must complete all major projects (i.e., Glossary, Rhetorics of S&T, Chronography and Presentation, and Final Exam) to be eligible for a passing grade in ENGL505.

Turning in Work

Dropbox in EMUOnline
Unless otherwise specified, your written work in ENGL505 will be turned in to the dropbox in EMU Online. In most cases, you will be asked to submit a .doc file by uploading it to the appropriate dropbox. Your work will be returned by this same method.

File Naming
When you prepare to turn in electronic files, please adhere to the following conventions. Save document files as .doc or .rtf (rich text format). Use the "Save as" option to avoid submitting work as .docx. Use the following naming formula: 505-Lastname-Assn.doc. That is, your filenames should always include the course number, your last name, and the abbreviated name of the assignment. For example, my own copy of Project One would be named 505-Mueller-P1.doc.

Late Work
All work must be submitted before the start of class on the due date to be considered on time and therefore eligible for full credit.

Course Policies

Attendance and Participation

ENGL505 is a graduate-level seminar. Participation, involvement, and engagement with the activities of the class will be factored into your overall grade under the area of "participation, presence, and leadership" listed above. Absences and lack of preparation for class will affect your colleagues' work as well as your own. The work you do in and in preparation for each class is as important as the polished assignment you turn in for a project. In addition, our syllabus and schedule are only a projection and may be subject to occasional changes and revisions as it seems appropriate, necessary, or just interesting. That is another reason why your attendance is vital.

If you must miss a class, you are still responsible for all work assigned, including turning work in by stated deadlines. Class time cannot be reconstructed or made up, and your performance, your work, and your course grade will be impacted by absences. If you miss more than two classes without any official documented cause, you will not be able to pass the course.

We will meet this semester in Pray Harrold 314, which means we will be surrounded by technology. You will at times be tempted to use the computers for checking email or browsing the web. As a rule of thumb, I ask that your in-class uses of mobile devices (e.g., cell phones) and desktop computers be focused on class-related activities. Obviously, you should silence your phones before coming to class. As long as everyone is respectfully attentive when someone is speaking, in-class technology use will not be a problem. In-class attentiveness, engagement, and preparedness (i.e., having read and prepared for each class) are what I mean by "presence."

Computer and Internet Usage

We will be interacting with a variety of sites on the internet during the course. Please let me know if you have not had any experience using a browser such as Firefox, Chrome, or Safari. When using a computer, save your work frequently, always make backup copies, and plan your projects with extra time allowed for unexpected challenges.

You will receive comprehensive instructions for turning in each project. Nevertheless, I strongly urge you to plan ahead, to familiarize yourself with file formats and with the submission process, and to approach me with questions about submissions well in advance of the due dates. Some of the work you do for this class will be composed using a word processing application, such as MS Word, Open Office, or Google Docs. When turning in documents like this, please use an easily readable typeface, such as Times New Roman 12. Assign one inch margins and adhere to MLA page layout and documentation conventions. At times you may be asked to turn in work in other formats (PDFs, images, blog or wiki entries, etc.).

Communication with Peers; Communication with the Instructor

While you can expect a considerable amount of leadership and direction to come from me, you should also make arrangements early in the semester to communicate with your colleagues. In other words, you are strongly encouraged to identify one or two (perhaps more) peers in the class with whom you can discuss readings and assignments, work through questions brought up in the class, and approach when you find something unclear. In short, my hope is that we all will prefer climate in which dialogue and interaction runs between the instructor and students and also between and among students when questions come up. Finally, you should always be proactive about asking questions when you have them, either by raising questions during class or contacting me or one of your peers privately.


To communicate by email we will use our emich.edu accounts, accessible via mail.emich.edu. You can send email to me or to classmates via the EMU Online (eCompanion) site associated with this course. You may call and leave a phone message, but you will at times find it more effective to use email to contact me about your work in the course. You can also set up an appointment to meet with me on campus, or to ask a question. With rare exceptions, I will respond to email inquiries within 48 hours.

Academic Integrity

Plagiarism occurs when a writer passes off another's words or ideas without acknowledging their source, whether intentionally or not. For example, turning another's work as your own is plagiarism. If you plagiarize in this class, you will likely fail the assignment on which you are working and your case may be passed to the university for additional disciplinary action. Because of the design and nature of this course, it will take as much (or more) work for you to plagiarize in it than it will to actually complete the work of the class. For a more detailed explanation of Eastern Michigan University's stance on academic integrity, refer to Section V.A. of the Student Conduct Code.

Disability Resource Center (DRC)

If you have a documented disability that affects your work in this (or any other) class, the Disability Resource Center can provide support for you. It is my goal that this class be an accessible and welcoming experience for all students, including those with disabilities that may impact their learning in this class. If anyone believes they may have trouble participating or effectively demonstrating learning in this course, please meet with me (with or without a Disability Resource Center (DRC) accommodation letter) to discuss reasonable options or adjustments. During our conversation, I may suggest the possibility/necessity of your contacting the DRC (240 Student Center; 734-487-2470; swd_office@emich.edu) to talk about academic accommodations. You are welcome to talk to me at any point in the semester about such issues, but it is always best if we can talk at least one week prior to the need for any modifications.

Academic Projects Center

The Academic Projects Center is located in 116 Halle Library (487-0020, extension 2154). The Center is open M-Th from 11-5 and is staffed by University Writing Center consultants, Halle Librarians, and Information and Communications Technology staff who can help with writing, research, or technology needs. No appointment is necessary. When you visit the Academic Projects Center, be sure to bring a draft of what you're working on and your assignment sheet with you.

University Writing Center

The University Writing Center (115 Halle Library) offers one-to-one consulting for both undergraduate and graduate students. Students can make appointments or drop in between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays and from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Fridays. Students should bring a draft of what they’re working on and their assignment. The UWC opens for Fall 2012 on Monday, September 10, and will close on Wednesday, December 12.

The UWC also offers small group workshops on various topics related to writing (e.g., Strategies for Successful College Reading; Peer Review; Revising and Editing Your Writing). Descriptions of all UWC workshops are posted at www.emich.edu/english/writing-center. Workshops are offered at various times Monday through Friday in the UWC. To register for a workshop, click the "Register" link from the UWC page.

Contact Information

Derek N. Mueller, PhD
Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Writing
Director of Composition
Department of English
Virginia Tech
Office: 315 Shanks Hall
Spring 2020 Office Hours: T, 12-3
Phone: +1-734-985-0485

"Rhetoric of science is simply, then, the study of how scientists persuade and dissuade each other and the rest of us about nature, —the study of how scientists argue in the making of knowledge" (xii). Randy Harris, "Introduction," Landmark Essays on Rhetoric of Science: Case Studies

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