WRT 307: Project I
Fall 2005 | MWF 12:45-1:40 | HL201| Section M080
Genre: Dig into the Workplace
Overview In your investigation of the site, you will identify one genre of professional writing activity happening at the site. This artifact or discursive shard will be central to your analysis of genre. It might be a document or communiqué; it should be something you can treat as an object. Your project then, is to explore the relationship between the workplace, the textual object or artifact, and the broader professional genre. Throughout the project, you might also think in terms of becoming an expert about the document and its broader genre--identifying the fullness of its rhetorical involvement in the specific workplace. The preliminary activities associated with this project, then, amount to (-1-) deciding upon a site, (-2-) identifying a particular textual object or artifact, and (-3-) accounting for its broader genre and rhetorical implications. Details and Considerations Site Detail As you describe the site, you might also think about matters of scale--ranging from the broad and abstract realm of the total site to the narrower productive spaces of the individual office, workspace or desktop. How does the object/artifact travel through the workplace, either temporally or spatially? To account for the documents pathways (its layovers in one person's stack of papers, maybe?), you should consider the relevance of sketch or map of the workspace, perhaps even a diagram or flow schematic that accounts for such movement. You will see that this attention to space relates to Information Flow below. Document Detail Style, Design and Production How is the object/artifact laid out and designed? Was it produced with special software? Does its production appear to involve any special skills with graphical design or typography? Comment on its style: informal, formal, specialized vocabularies, insider knowledge, discrete issues, sentence and paragraph length, layout (use of page-design for effect), repeated words or phrases. Information Flow In addition to the details and considerations listed here, your project should include at least one of the following: a map or sketch of the workspace (perhaps accounting for the object/artifact's travels), a brief interview (of at least six questions) with one of the people tied to the text, or a style sheet/document anatomy. We'll talk more in class about each of these and how they fit with your project. We'll also talk more about the broader aims of such a broadly defined, research-oriented opening project and entertain questions about the ways that a careful study of a situated document is extrapolable to the broader arena of professional writing. Project I will culminate with individual presentations (appr. 7-10 minutes) of your findings. In addition to the presentation, you will turn in a report of no less than six pages, typed and double-spaced, the object/artifact, and your choice of a map/sketch, brief interview, or style sheet/document anatomy. Links and Resources Information Flow and Site Detail |
Derek Mueller
Office: HBC 002 Fall '05 office hours: Mon., 11 a.m.-Noon and by appt. Phone: (315) 443-1785 AIM: ewidem dmueller@syr.edu http://writing.syr.edu/~dmueller/ |