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August 596 Workshop - Schedule

The following schedule lists the times, locations, and activities for the two-week August 596 Workshop, August 15-19 and 22-25, 2016. All events will be held in PH415 unless otherwise noted in-line. All instructional staff in the FYWP (i.e., TTF, FTLs, PTLs, and returning GAs) are invited to attend activities marked as OPEN and showing asterisks (*).

Monday, August 15

For Monday: Read Andrea Lunsford, "The Nature of Composition Studies" (in Welcome Kit), the FYWP Program Guide and Introduction to Writing About Writing.

9 Introductions and Opening Questions (Google Drive Notes)
10 Teaching College Composition: Compass Points, Locations, Itineraries
11 Share maps; Connections with Lunsford and WAW reading
12 Lunch provided
1 Fast Write on "Compass Points"
1:15 *Presentation of WRTG120 Syllabus and Curriculum Map* OPEN
2:30 How do students enroll in WRTG120? GSP Instrument
3:00 Program Principles and Outcomes
3:45 Exit ticket

Tuesday, August 16

For Tuesday: Read Deborah Brandt's "Sponsors of Literacy" (Welcome Kit and WAW) and "Writing Your Own Literacy Narrative" (PDF pp. 123-146, 173-181) in Welcome Kit. Bring one printed copy of your literacy narrative.

9 Sharing Literacy Narratives
10 Guest: Steve Krause, Associate Director of the FYWP
11 Why "projects" when we could call them papers, essays, or assignments?
  Rationale for Project One (Generating principles)
12 Lunch provided
1 Guest: Mary Ramsey, English Language and Literature Dept. Head
1:15 Student literacy narrative(s)
2:30 Work time (beginning to fine-tune your syllabus)
3:30 Generating questions (in Google Docs)
3:45 Daily reflection

Wednesday, August 17

For Wednesday: Read Malea Powell, "Learning (Teaching) to Teach (Learn)" (from Welcome Kit); Brock Dethier, c. 4, "The First Day" (Canvas Files); Understanding Rhetoric, Ch. 3, "Writing Identities"

9 Writing in the contexts of teaching and learning (Powell)
10 Questions and sticking points re: syllabus development (Kelsey McLendon, Laura Kovick)
11 *Tour of offices* OPEN
12 Lunch provided
1:15 Phones, copies, key codes, class rosters, etc.
2 Class time and planning
3 Teaching personas (Ch. 3 from UR)

Thursday, August 18 - Fall Meeting and Workshop - Pray-Harrold 219

For Thursday: Read pp. 35-103 in Understanding Rhetoric.
Leaf through Writing in Action, noticing sections you think align well with your plans for the fall.

8:45 *Coffee and bagels/ Welcome
9:15 *Program-wide Fall Meeting (Mueller and Krause)
10:15 *Featured presenter:
   Jonathan Alexander, "Practical Multimodality: Invention, Revision, Dissemination"
12 *Lunch (provided) and conversation
1 *Understanding Rhetoric pedagogy workshop (Alexander)
2:30 *One on one and small group meetings with Mueller.
Friday, August 19

For Friday: Read pp. 49-57 in Teaching with Lunsford Handbooks, "Responding to Student Writing"; Richard Straub, "Responding—Really Responding—to Other Students' Writing" (WAW) and Elaine Lees, "Evaluating Student Writing" (Canvas Files)

9 *Project One and Invention Portfolio – How It Works
  Creating your class calendar/daily schedule
10 Responding and grading
  Sample student work
11:30 Lunch provided
12:30 Guest: Dar Mayweather, Center for Multicultural Affairs
2:15 Panel with returning and recent GAs
   (Brianne Radke, Joe Montgomery, Kelsey McLendon, Natasha Wickenheiser,
   David Boeving, Trevor Snyder)
3:30-5 *Happy hour at ABC/Corner Brewery* OPEN
720 Norris Street, Ypsilanti, MI 48198

Monday, August 22

For Monday: Read Brock Dethier, c. 2, "Preparing" (Google Drive Shared Folder); and "Peer Review and Revision," pp. 163-176, from Teaching with Lunsford Handbooks)

9:30 Peer response (enacted)
10:10 Peer response (meta)
11:15 Technology and Multimodality in WRTG120 (Joe Montgomery and/or David Boeving)
12:30 Lunch on your own
1:30 Overview of University Writing Center
  Guests: Ann Blakeslee, Dir. of the UWC, and Kimberly Pavlock, Asst. Dir. of the UWC
2:30 Work time (continuing to develop materials)

Tuesday, August 23

For Tuesday: Leaf through Writing in Action, noting striking or useful sections. Read Anne Curzan's column in The Chronicle, "Dinging for 'Grammatical Errors'"

9 Project Two and Three Frameworks
  WIDE-EMU 2016 (October 15)
10 Theory and practice (phronesis) in WRTG596
  Rhetorics and Poetics
  N+7, Acrostics, Pantoum, crots, four-word film reviews, six-word memoirs, neologisms, fives (example)
11 *Writing in Action* OPEN
12 Lunch on your own
1 *Understanding Rhetoric* OPEN
2 *Panel (PH415)* OPEN
  Julia Heck, Associate Director, Office of the Ombuds
  Jackie Wilson, Disability Resource Center
  Oscar Alcaine, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
  Erica Cooper, Judicial Specialist, Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards
  Michael Smith, Associate Dir., Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards
3 Dev. choices for Wednesday a.m.

Wednesday, August 24

For Wednesday: Read Brock Dethier, c. 7, "Confident and Humble" (Canvas Files)

9 TBD – GAs choose topics
  Hologram Team
  Rebinding WIA
  TY Emails
  Felt-footing the tables in 415 (and prediction contest)
  Assessment survey setup in 120
  Classroom culture
10 Assignment sheets and lesson plans
11 Guest: Chalice Randazzo, Assistant Professor of Written Communication
-- Workshop Evaluation Survey
12 Lunch on your own
1 Teaching Demos (i.e., practice run in rooms and with technology setup)

Thursday, August 25

No new reading.

10 *Work time with laptop cart* OPEN
Focus on Canvas features for all who will be using it
11-2 Individual conferences (PH613M)
2-4 *Individual conferences (PH613M)* OPEN

Contact Information

Derek N. Mueller, PhD
Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Writing
Director of Composition
Department of English
Virginia Tech
Office: 315 Shanks Hall
Spring 2020 Office Hours: T, 12-3
Phone: +1-734-985-0485

"It is our job as writers to create a context in which we can write, and it is our job as teachers of writing to create a context that is as appropriate for writing as the gym is for basketball" (228). Donald Murray, "First Silence, Then Paper," Fforum: Essays on Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Writing

"[W]hat we teach our students is a consequence of what we understand writing to be" (215). Mary Lou Odom, Michael Bernard-Donals, and Stephanie Kerschbaum, "Enacting Theory: The Practicum as the Site of Invention," Don't Call It That: The Composition Practicum

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