Rhetoric in Digital Environments
The bibliography below includes a selection of readings featured in or complimentary to our Fall 2023 study of rhetoric in today's digital environments. We will read some but not all of what is listed here. Items listed here may prove to be helpful leads for the blog carnivals, or in support of further study in the area of digital rhetorics. ENGL6344: Rhetoric in Digital Environments is an elective course in the PhD in RW program; for RW PhD students, readings assigned during coursework automatically carry over onto preliminary exam reading lists. My hope is for this list to serve as a generative start; if you would like to see any resource added to it, please write to me at dmueller@vt.edu and I will gladly make additions. -DM
Alexander, J. (Ed.). (2020). The Routledge Handbook of Digital Writing and Rhetoric (1st edition). Routledge.
Banks, A. J. (2005). Race, Rhetoric, and Technology: Searching for Higher Ground (1st edition). Routledge.
Banks, A. J. (2011). Digital Griots: African American Rhetoric in a Multimedia Age. Southern Illinois University Press.
Bender, E. M., Gebru, T., McMillan-Major, A., & Shmitchell, S. (2021). On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big? π¦. Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 610β623. https://doi.org/10.1145/3442188.3445922
Blog Carnival 1 β Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. (2012, August 15). https://www.digitalrhetoriccollaborative.org/category/conversations/blog-carnival/blog-carnival-1/
Blog Carnival 14 β Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. (2018, October 15). https://www.digitalrhetoriccollaborative.org/category/conversations/blog-carnival/blog-carnival-14/
Blog Carnival 16 β Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. (2019, December 5). https://www.digitalrhetoriccollaborative.org/category/conversations/blog-carnival/blog-carnival-16/
Brock, K. (2019). Rhetorical Code Studies: Discovering Arguments in and around Code. University of Michigan Press.
Brooke, C. G. (2009). Lingua Fracta: Toward a Rhetoric of New Media. Hampton Press.
Brown, J. J. (2012). Composition in the Dromosphere. Computers and Composition, 29(1), 79β91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compcom.2012.01.004
Brown, J. J. (2015). Ethical Programs. University of Michigan Press. https://press.umich.edu/Books/E/Ethical-Programs
DeVoss, D. N., & Ridolfo, J. (2009, January 15). Composing for Recomposition: Rhetorical Velocity and Delivery [Text]. 13.2; Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. https://kairos.technorhetoric.net/13.2/topoi/ridolfo_devoss/velocity.html
Dilger, B., & Rice, J. (Eds.). (2010). From A to <A>: Keywords of markup. Univ Of Minnesota Press.
Eichorn, K. (2022). Content. MIT Press. https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262543286/content/
Eyman, D. (2015). Digital Rhetoric. University of Michigan Press. https://press.umich.edu/Books/D/Digital-Rhetoric
Faris, M. J., & Holmes, S. (Eds.). (2022). Reprogrammable Rhetoric: Critical Making Theories and Methods in Rhetoric and Composition. Utah State University Press.
Folsom, E. (2007). Reply to “Narrative and Database: Natural Symbionts.” PMLA, 122(5), 1608β1612.
Gonzales, L. (2018). Sites of Translation: What Multilinguals Can Teach Us about Digital Writing and Rhetoric. University of Michigan Press. https://doi.org/10.3998/mpub.9952377
Han, B.-C. (2017). The Scent of Time: A Philosophical Essay on the Art of Lingering (D. Steuer, Trans.; 1st edition). Polity.
Han, B.-C. (2020). The Disappearance of Rituals: A Topology of the Present (D. Steuer, Trans.; 1st edition). Polity.
Han, B.-C. (2022a). Hyperculture: Culture and Globalisation (D. Steuer, Trans.; 1st edition). Polity.
Han, B.-C. (2022b). Infocracy: Digitization and the Crisis of Democracy (D. Steuer, Trans.; 1st edition). Polity.
Han, B.-C. (2022c). Non-things: Upheaval in the Lifeworld (D. Steuer, Trans.; 1st edition). Polity.
Hayles, N. K. (2007a). Hyper and Deep Attention: The Generational Divide in Cognitive Modes. Profession, 187β199.
Hayles, N. K. (2007b). Narrative and Database: Natural Symbionts. PMLA, 122(5), 1603β1608.
Hierro, V. D., & VanKooten, C. (Eds.). (2023). Methods and Methodologies for Research in Digital Writing and Rhetoric, Volume 2: Centering Positionality in Computers and Writing Scholarship. The WAC Clearinghouse.
Juszkiewicz, J., Warfel, J., Losh, E., Buehl, J., Maher, J. H., Burgess, H. J., Menzies, T., Brock, K., Omizo, R. M., Clark, I., Nguyen, M.-T., Hart-Davidson, W., Daniel-Wariya, J., Sanchez, J. C., Stagliano, A., Jr, J. J. B., Vee, A., & Hammond, J. W. (2019). Rhetorical Machines: Writing, Code, and Computational Ethics (J. Jones & L. Hirsu, Eds.; First Edition, First). University Alabama Press.
Kynard, C. (n.d.). Black Visual Rhetoric & the Movement for Black Lives. Google Docs. Retrieved August 9, 2023, from https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSuS3sruYF629mxxJGKTAIfKehc4-PIJiKJKflrP-W54wdkGOjX2uVF5R6V9CELosHSA1xBJGDQrsN0/embed?start=true&loop=true&delayms=3000&usp=embed_facebook
Mailloux, S. (2000). Disciplinary Identities: On the Rhetorical Paths between English and Communication Studies. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 30(2), 5β29.
Manovich, L. (2002). The Language of New Media (Reprint edition). The MIT Press.
Mills, A. (n.d.). AI Text Generators and Teaching Writing: Starting Points for InquiryβThe WAC Clearinghouse. Retrieved August 9, 2023, from https://wac.colostate.edu/repository/collections/ai-text-generators-and-teaching-writing-starting-points-for-inquiry/
Odell, J. (2019). How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy. Melville House.
Reid, A. (2022). Rhetorics of the Digital Nonhumanities (First Edition). Southern Illinois University Press.
Reyman, J., & Sparby, E. (Eds.). (2021). Digital Ethics (1st edition). Routledge.
Rhodes, J. A., Jacqueline (Ed.). (2018). The Routledge Handbook of Digital Writing and Rhetoric. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315518497
Rice, J. (2012). Digital Detroit: Rhetoric and Space in the Age of the Network. Southern Illinois University Press.
Rice, J. (2023). The Rhetoric of Outrage: Why Social Media Is Making Us Angry. University of South Carolina Press.
Ridolfo, J. (2015). Digital Samaritans: Rhetorical Delivery and Engagement in the Digital Humanities. University of Michigan Press.
Ridolfo, J., & Hart-Davidson, W. (Eds.). (2015). Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities (Illustrated edition). University of Chicago Press.
Rivers, N. A. (2020). Consensual attending. Communication and the Public, 5(1β2), 55β64. https://doi.org/10.1177/2057047320950629
Selber, S. (2004). Multiliteracies for a Digital Age (First Edition). Southern Illinois University Press.
Shivener, R., & Edwards, D. (n.d.). The Environmental Unconscious of Digital Composing: Mapping Climate Change Rhetorics in Data Center Ecologies | enculturation. Retrieved August 9, 2023, from https://enculturation.net/environmental_unconscious
Sparby, D. (2023). Memetic Rhetorics. University of Michigan Press. https://press.umich.edu/Books/M/Memetic-Rhetorics
Steele. (2021). Digital Black Feminism. NYU Press.
Thompson, C. (2023, July 31). AI Is Thirsty. Medium. https://clivethompson.medium.com/ai-is-thirsty-37f99f24a26e
Turner, H. N., & Gonzales, L. (2020). Visualizing Translation. 25.1. https://kairos.technorhetoric.net/25.1/topoi/turner-gonzales/index.html
VanKooten, C., & Hierro, V. D. (Eds.). (2023). Methods and Methodologies for Research in Digital Writing and Rhetoric, Volume 1: Centering Positionality in Computers and Writing Scholarship. The WAC Clearinghouse.
Vee, A. (2017). Coding Literacy: How Computer Programming Is Changing Writing. The MIT Press.
Contact Information
Derek N. Mueller, PhD
Professor of Rhetoric and Writing
Department of English
Virginia Tech
Office: 315 Shanks Hall
Fall 2023 Office Hours: Tu, 1-3 p.m. ET, and other times by appt
Phone: +1-734-985-0485