Theories of Written Communication
The bibliography below includes a selection of readings featured in or complimentary to our Fall 2024 study of theories of written communication. We will read some but not all of what is listed here. Items listed here may prove to be helpful leads for your theory deck/microanthology, or in support of further study in theories of written communication. ENGL6524: Theories of Written Communication is an core course in the PhD in RW program; for RW PhD students, readings assigned during coursework automatically carry over onto preliminary exam reading lists. -DM
Ahmed, Sara. (2006). Orientations: Toward a Queer Phenomenology. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 12(4), 543–574.
Anzaldúa, Gloria. (1999). Putting Coyolxauhqui Together: A Creative Process. Counterpoints, 90, 241–261.
Arendt, Hannah. (1959). Reflections on Little Rock. Dissent, 6(1), 45–56.
Bakhtin, Mikhail. (1982). The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays (M. Holquist, Ed.; C. Emerson, Trans.; Reprint edition). University of Texas Press.
Brandt, Deborah. (1990). Literacy as Involvement: The Acts of Writers, Readers, and Texts. Southern Illinois University Press.
Buchanan, Richard. (1992). Wicked Problems in Design Thinking. Design Issues, 8(2), 5–21.
Callon, Michael, & Law, John. (1982). On Interests and Their Transformation: Enrolment and Counter-Enrolment. Social Studies of Science, 12(4), 615–625.
Carr, Allison. (2014). Negative Space: Toward an Epistemology of Failure. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses.
Cooper, Marilyn. (1986). The Ecology of Writing. College English, 48(4), 364–375.
de Certeau, Michel. (1984). The Practice of Everyday Life (S. Rendall, Trans.). University of California Press.
Delanda, Manuel. (1999). Extensive Borderlines and Intensive Borderlines. In T. Cruz & A. Boddington (Eds.), Architecture of the Borderlands (1st edition). Academy Editions Ltd.
Detweiler, Eric. (2022). Responsible Pedagogy: Moving Beyond Authority and Mastery in Higher Education (1st edition). Penn State University Press.
Ellison, Ralph. (2014). Leadership from the Periphery. In R. P. Warren & D. W. Blight (Eds.), Who Speaks for the Negro? (Reprint edition, pp. 268–354). Yale University Press.
Engeström, Yrjö. (2008). Knotworking and Agency in Fluid Organizational Fields. In From Teams to Knots: Activity-Theoretical Studies of Collaboration and Learning at Work (1st edition, pp. 199–233). Cambridge University Press.
Faris, Michael. (2012). Rhetoric, social media, and privacy. Pennsylvania State University.
Fukushima, Annie. (2019). Migrant Crossings: Witnessing Human Trafficking in the U.S. (1st edition). Stanford University Press.
Graff, Gerald. (2001). Hidden Intellectualism. Pedagogy, 1(1), 21–36.
Harjo, Joy. (1994). The Woman Who Fell from The Sky. The American Poetry Review, 23(6), 18–19.
Hawhee, Debra. (2023). A Sense of Urgency: How the Climate Crisis Is Changing Rhetoric (1st edition). University of Chicago Press.
Haynes, Cynthia. (2016). 4. Writing Offshore. In The Homesick Phone Book: Addressing Rhetorics in the Age of Perpetual Conflict (First Edition, pp. 60–106). Southern Illinois University Press.
LeMesurier, Jennifer. (2023). Inscrutable Eating: Asian Appetites and the Rhetorics of Racial Consumption. Ohio State University Press.
Malhotra, Sheena, & Rowe, Aimee. (Eds.). (2013). Silence, Feminism, Power: Reflections at the Edges of Sound (2013th edition). Palgrave Macmillan.
Manning, Erin. (2016). The Minor Gesture. Duke University Press Books.
Mol, Annemarie. (1999). Ontological Politics. A Word and Some Questions. In J. Law & J. Hassard (Eds.), Actor Network Theory and After (1st edition). Wiley-Blackwell.
Molinari, Julie. (2022). What Makes Writing Academic: Rethinking Theory for Practice. Bloomsbury Academic.
Moss, Beverly. (1994). Creating a Community: Literacy Events in African-American Churches. In B. J. Moss (Ed.), Literacy Across Communities (p. ADD). Hampton Pr.
Ong, Walter. (1982). Orality and Literacy (2nd Edition). Routledge.
Oum, Young. (2005). Authenticity and representation: Cuisines and identities in Korean-American diaspora. Postcolonial Studies, 8(1), 109–125.
Pepper, Stephen. (1942). World Hypotheses: A Study in Evidence (Later Printing Used edition). University of California Press.
Phelps, Louise. (1995). Rhythm and Pattern in a Composing Life. In M. Wiley, Phelps Louise Wetherbee, & B. Gleason (Eds.), Composition In Four Keys: Inquiring into the Field (1st edition, pp. 114–125). McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages.
Polanyi, Michael. (1966). The Tacit Dimension. Doubleday/Anchor.
Powell, Malea. (2002). Listening to Ghosts: An Alternative (Non)Argument. In P. Bizzell, C. Schroeder, & H. Fox (Eds.), ALT DIS: Alternative Discourses and the Academy (pp. 11–22). Heinemann.
Prior, Paul, & Shipka, Jody. (2003). Chronotopic Lamination: Tracing the Contours of Literate Activity. In C. Bazerman & D. R. Russell (Eds.), Writing Selves/Writing Societies: Research from Activity Perspectives (pp. 181–239). The WAC Clearinghouse.
Rice, Jenny. (2015). Para-Expertise, Tacit Knowledge, and Writing Problems. College English, 78(2), 117–138.
Rose, Mike. (1990). Lives on the Boundary (1st edition). Penguin Books.
Royster, Jacqueline. (2002). Academic Discourses or Small Boats on a Big Sea. In P. Bizzell, C. Schroeder, & H. Fox (Eds.), ALT DIS: Alternative Discourses and the Academy (pp. 23–30). Heinemann.
Sackey, Donnie. (2013). The curious case of the Asian carp spatial performances and the making of an invasive species.
Smilges, J. Logan. (2022). Queer Silence: On Disability and Rhetorical Absence. Univ Of Minnesota Press.
Stewart, Kathleen. (2007). Ordinary Affects. Duke University Press Books.
Stewart, Kathleen. (2010). Worlding Refrains. In M. Gregg & G. J. Seigworth (Eds.), The Affect Theory Reader (Illustrated edition, pp. 339–353). Duke University Press Books.
Tuck, Eve, & Ree, C. (2013). A Glossary of Haunting. In T. E. Adams, S. H. Jones, & C. Ellis (Eds.), Handbook of Autoethnography (1st edition). Routledge.
Vivian, Bradford. (2014). Witnessing Time: Rhetorical Form, Public Culture, and Popular Historical Education. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 44(3), 204–219.
Walwema, Josephine. (2011). Tactile interfaces: Epistemic techne in information design.
Wysocki, Anne, & Johnson-Eilola, Johndan. (1999). Blinded by the Letter: Why Are We Using Literacy as a Metaphor for Everything Else? In G. Hawisher & C. Selfe (Eds.), Passions Pedagogies and 21st Century Technologies (1st edition, pp. 349–368). Utah State University Press.
Contact Information
Derek Mueller
Professor of Rhetoric and Writing
Department of English, Virginia Tech
Office: 315 Shanks Hall
Fall 2024 Office Hours: F, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. ET, and other times by appt.