Invention Portfolio (IP)
Each project will be accompanied by an invention portfolio--a collection of drafts, exercises, and heuristics ranging from formal to informal, composed both in and out of class. Your invention portfolio for each project should include the items listed below, but it can also include any other evidence of the writing you did to develop the drafts--notes on readings, journal entries, exploratory drawings or concept maps, lists, sketches, accounts (or IM transcripts) of Writing Center consulting sessions, and so on. This page will contain an in-progress inventory of the items I expect you to include along with brief descriptions when appropriate. When you turn in your invention portfolio with each project, you should include your own table of contents; it will reflect all of the items listed here for each unit along with any other pieces you deem fit to include.
195.1 Multiliteracy Memoir - Invention Portfolio
- Information sheet (handout)
- Scribe notes
- Google me
- Analysis of Carr or Rich article
- Two-page draft
- Reflective cover letter
- Evidence of WC consultation (if applicable)
195.2 Summa Google - Invention Portfolio (A work-in-progress beyond this point!)
195.3 Researched Argument - Invention Portfolio
- Scribe notes
- Limits of composition (response to CDA reading)
- Provisional Statement of Purpose
- Revised Statement of Purpose
- Two pages of writing
- Five-page draft
- Paramedic Method Handout (Lanham)
- Reflective cover letter
195.4 Pecha Kucha - Invention Portfolio
195.1 Scribe Notes
For each class session, one student will be designated as the scribe
who will document the class session, noting what we did, why we did it,
and what is coming up in the next meeting. Scribe notes should get to
the heart of matters, pinning down details, including names, titles,
and page numbers of assigned readings, and accounting for details discussed
in class. They should also be clever, creative, and light-hearted; it
is fine for scribe notes to be fun-spirited, as long as they do not include
unflattering characterizations of the comments or work of anyone in the
The name of the day's scribe will be posted on the course schedule. Scribe
notes for a given class session are due no later than 24 hours after the
class meeting (i.e., on Wednesday or Friday before 10:50 a.m.). They should
be sent by email to the class listserv:
195.1 Google Me
Write a one-page analysis of the trail of crumbs Google associates with your name. Plan to Google several variations of your name (e.g., alternative spellings, including the middle initial, nicknames, enclosed in quotation marks, and so on). What did you find? Where? And how does it reflect upon you? What are the uncanny associations that don't seem immediately to apply to you? Or that elicit memories or other associations? Are you currently able to access and modify the site(s) you found? Length: One page, single-spaced.
195.1 Analysis of Carr or Rich
Write a one-page analysis of either Carr's piece on Google or Rich's piece on reading. To the extent that they are helpful in guiding your work and helping you make decisions about how to focus your writing, apply the methods for analysis discussed in class on Thursday, August 28. Length: One page, single-spaced.
195.1 Reflective Cover Letter
See prompt provided in class (
195.2 "Who's Afraid" Paraphrase x 1
Write a single paraphrase of a three-sentence excerpt of your choice from the "Who's Afraid" articles. At the top of the page, write your own paraphrase of the passage. Include the original excerpt in the middle of the page. Leave room in the bottom 1/3 of the page for another paraphrase of the passage.
195.2 Tagcrowd for Summary
For this invention portfolio piece, produce a tag cloud of all or part of Vannevar Bush's "As We May Think." Include the tag cloud at the beginning of your summary as a screen shot or a link to a published Wordle cloud. Then write a 300-word summary of Bush's essay. Length: no more than one page.
195.3 Limits of Composition
First, as you read from the two chapters in CDA, write a half-page account of moments in the reading that struck a chord for you in respect to Project 3. Try to identify at least two or three specific passages that grounded or clarified your sense of how to proceed with the upcoming unit. Provide specific page numbers (and locations on the page, if applicable), and include a note about how the section you have identified might aid you later on.
Second, list three or four topics--possibilities you might light to begin exploring for the researched argument project.
195.3 Provisional Statement of Purpose
Write a provisional statement of purpose for Project Three following the guiding materials on p. 40 of CDA. Your statement should be less than one page in length. It should briefly sketch what you are thinking about carrying out for the project and, as well, include specific subheadings under which you discuss audience, purpose, and context. It should be clear that you have a grasp on these terms as they are presented in CDA.
195.3 Reflective Cover Letter
Write a reflective cover letter that accounts for the following.
Begin the letter with an appropriate salutation, such as "Dear Derek."
What is your claim? How does it evolve throughout the project? How do
you think differently about your argument now than you did at the outset
of the unit?
If you had another ten days to work on this project, how would you focus
that time? What does this project need more of in your estimation?
Which of the assessment criteria (from the rubric) leaves you feeling most
uncertain? Why?
Is there anything else you want me to know about your Unit Three work?
Is there anything about the project that a reader ought to know--about
your decisions, about your research, about your development of the piece
over time?
Are you satisfied that your portfolio represents your strongest work
with respect to the inventive pieces of writing we did throughout this
Contact Information
Derek Mueller
Office: HBC 002
Fall '08 office hours: Thur., 11-Noon
Phone: (315) 708-3940
Class listserv: