WRT 205: Writing Studio II: Critical Research: Schedule

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Projects: An Inventory of Effects | Rhetoric of Data Visualization| Reach-Search

Course Schedule

This schedule represents a provisional plan for all work throughout the semester. We may revise it from time to time.

1.Tu, 1/18 Introductions and Course Overview
SU's Facebook
1.Th, 1/20 Blogging Overview
Setup: An Inventory of Effects

2.Tu, 1/25 MIM, pp. 1-89 *Inv*
2.Th, 1/27 Bloglines
"What is RSS/XML/Atom/Syndication?"

3.Tu, 2/1 MIM, pp. 90-157
3.Th, 2/3 Images, Multimedia *Inv*

4.Tu, 2/8 Share projects
4.Th, 2/10 del.icio.us/wrt205
An Inventory of Effects Projects Due

5.Tu, 2/15 Linked, pp. 1-238 First read and overview *Inv*
Setup: The Rhetoric of Data Visualization
5.Th, 2/17 Linked, pp. 1-40 (disc. lead ch. 1 (Derek) 2 (Sean) and 3 (Matt W.))

6.Tu, 2/22 Linked, pp. 41-64 (disc. lead on ch. 4 (Kieran), 5 (Megan))
6.Th, 2/24 Linked, pp. 65-92 (disc. lead ch. 6 (Matt S.), 7 (Brad)) On data viz (supplement)
Preliminary plans due. Includes statement of group undertaking, consequences for non-involvement and commitment to individual essays or one collaborative essay. *Inv*

7.Tu, 3/1 Linked, pp. 93-123 (disc. lead on ch. 8 (Jill), 9 (Jackie))
7.Th, 3/3 Linked, pp. 124-160 (disc. lead on ch. 10 (Lee), 11 (Haram))

8.Tu, 3/8 Conferences. Linked, pp. 161-198 (disc. lead on ch. 12 (Adam), 13 (Tina) *Inv*
8.Th, 3/10 Conferences. Linked, pp. 199-238 (disc. lead on ch. 14 (Jon), 15 (Samanthe))*Inv*

March 14-18 - Spring Break - No Classes

9.Tu, 3/22 Workshop
Setup: Reach-search
Due: First thoughts: a one-page reaction to the assignment and first efforts to locate a workable research question for Unit Three.
9.Th, 3/24 Project presentations, Rhetoric of Data Visualization Projects Due

10.Tu, 3/29 from The Tipping Point, Gladwell, c. 3, "The Stickiness Factor," pp. 89-132, (disc. lead David, Lindsay, Kendra)
10.Th, 3/31 SU Library Databases: Lexis Nexis and ProQuest
Developing research questions

11.Tu, 4/5 from The Social Life of Information (Brown and Duguid) (disc. lead Brandon, Julie and Sara) (c. 7, "Reading the Background," pp. 173-205)
11.Th, 4/7 On methods
Due: Formal proposal, including a preliminary listing of sources: a one-page statement of your formal proposal, including your research question(s). List all source materials you are considering working with.

12.Tu, 4/12 Reading TBD
Research development
12.Th, 4/14 Blogging Retrospect
Due: Annotated Bibliography due: a five-source annotated bibliography. Annotations for each source should follow the model for our summary entries of chapters from Barabasi. Think of the annotation as an accounting of the ways in which you might use the source or how it impacts your thinking about the project. Include a listing of keywords or key concepts indexed by page or paragraph number for each source.

13.Tu, 4/19 Research development
Due: Draft of between 6-8 pages.
13.Th, 4/21 Research development

14.Tu, 4/26 Exchange drafts
Peer response. Bring draft to class.
14.Th, 4/28 TBD

15.Tu, 5/3 Last day of classes
15.Th, 5/5 Reach-Search Projects Due

*Inv* - Designates items to be turned in with each project

Contact Information
Derek Mueller
Office: HBC 002
Spring '05 office hours: Tue., 3:30-4:30 p.m. and by appt.
Phone: (315) 443-1785
AIM: ewidem