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Project Three: Presentations - EJ Conference and Celebration of Student Writing

Project Three presents you with a unique compositional opportunity, a shift beyond the proposal and report to a pair of presentational variations on the research you have been doing this semester.

First Presentation: In-class EJ Conference
Each group (based on topic set) will prepare a slide deck in Google Slides. The deck will include a cover slide with a title for the roundtable (or panel) and the names and email addresses of each participant in order. Each participant in the roundtable must use two slides to present on their research in no more than four minutes (recall the elevator pitches). Slides may have one image; a slide may not have more than ten words on it. Given these constraints, the development of the slide deck is an exercise in reduction and focus. Presenters may speak informally and extemporaneously, or from a script. We will develop a conference program together that includes the name of the roundtable or panel, the name of each presentation, and the name and email address of each presenter. Slides are due no later than Monday, April 2. The EJ Conference will be during class time on Wednesday, April 4.

Second Presentation: Celebration of Student Writing
The Celebration of Student Writing is a campus-wide venue where you will present on your research on Thursday, April 12, between 3:30-5:30 p.m. You and your topic-based research team will set up at a table in the Student Center ballroom for approximately 25 minutes during the event. During that time, you will be presenting your researcher to passers-by, engaging their questions, and sharing with them some tangible, presentational material(s), such as a handout or another artifact of your choosing. We will discuss research handouts in class, but you have the option of choosing to prepare something else as a way to feature your reseach and focus attendees on its value.

In addition to the pair of presentations, you will develop a delivery and circulation report, a two-page (500 word) account of the choices you made, the processes you followed, the interactions you experienced related to your research, and the discoveries, insights, and possibly setbacks you encountered as you undertook this work. The brief report is due no later than Monday, April 16, by 9:30 a.m.

Assessment Criteria
Your project will be assessed for its strengths in the following five areas.

Evaluation Criteria

Each criterion listed above will be evaluated on the following scale:


EX: Exceptional. The writer has applied the criterion with distinction.
AC: Acceptable/meets expectations. The writer has applied the criterion to a satisfactory degree.
NI: Needs improvement. The writer has minimally applied the criterion in the project.
NA: Not applied. The writer has not applied the criterion in the project.

Contact Information

Derek N. Mueller, PhD
Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Writing
Director of Composition
Department of English
Virginia Tech
Office: 315 Shanks Hall
Spring 2020 Office Hours: T, 12-3
Phone: +1-734-985-0485

"Let's say you were from somewhere else, seeing this Earth from space for the first time. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be satisfied with that view; I'd want to get closer, walk around on it, even get down on my hands and knees. That's how I prefer to see the Earth." —Wendell Berry, Interview with Jordan Fisher-Smith

Creative Commons License
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.