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Brooke Notes (30%, 30 points)

Brooke Notes are a note-keeping system designed to be routine, generative, usable, and accumulative throughout and beyond your graduate program of study. This approach to note-keepin, which I credit to Collin Brooke, takes as its first principle that if it warrants reading, it warrants annotation. Even more, scholarly and curricular reading warrants annotation that is right-sized (i.e., neither excessively thorough nor too thin to be useful later on) and built-up in a database that you can search later on. Whether or not that database is kept publicly is up to you; there are strong arguments on both sides of the decision to post such notes publicly or, instead, to keep them privately, and we will discuss some of these considerations in class.

Here are a few general provisions for Brooke Notes:

Learn more about the rationale for this approach and the basic guidelines for developing a Brooke Notes entry over here: Each entry should—at a minimum—include the following:

A complete Brooke Notes entry will include all seven of these features. It may also include some discussion, if you wish, of salient issues or reminders of ways the reading connects with other readings or your other work—whether that's tied to your teaching or some other project.

Brooke Notes in WRTG500

As part of WRTG500, you will develop six Brooke Notes entries at a minimum. The first Brooke Notes entry is due by Monday, September 21. This is a complete entry on one of three articles assigned as reading that evening: Phelps, Lauer, or Vealey and Rivers. Plan to post your notes in one of three places: either on a Wordpress blog you create (you can use a blog you already have, if you prefer), in Evernote, or in Google Drive. Remember that you can develop more than six entries throughout the semester, and those entries can come from readings you do in other classes or in reading you select for yourself. However, among the six required entries for WRTG500, you must include the following:

These six entries together will be considered as 30% of your course grade for WRTG500. A work-in-progress check-in will take place on Monday, October 26. Plan to have at least three entries completed by this date. Remaining Brooke Notes entries must be completed by Monday, December 7. Selected entries will be included in your end of semester portfolio, as well.

Contact Information

Derek N. Mueller, PhD
Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Writing
Director of Composition
Department of English
Virginia Tech
Office: 315 Shanks Hall
Spring 2020 Office Hours: T, 12-3
Phone: +1-734-985-0485

"[I]n order to constitute the space of a habitable house and a home, you also need an opening, a door and windows, you have to give up a passage to the outside world [l'etranger]. There is no house or interior without a door or windows. The monad of home has to be hospitable in order to be ipse, itself at home, habitable at-home in the relation of the self to itself. But what has always been structured like this is nowadays multiplying both the home and the accessibility of home in proportions and modalities that are absolutely unprecedented" (61). Jacques Derrida, Of Hospitality

"I've said before that every craftsman searches for what's not there to practice his (sic) craft. A builder looks for the rotten hole where the roof caved in. A water-carrier picks the empty pot. A carpenter stops at the house with no door" (4). Rumi qtd. in Lynda Barry, Syllabus

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Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.